Exciting Holiday Spots in Spiti Valley

May 24,2021

Exciting Holiday Spots in Spiti Valley

By: Himachal Tourist Taxi

I cannot have ever imagined the existence of something so beautiful on earth until I saw it with my bare eyes.

It was fortuitous picking Spiti tour when I was tired from being captivated in the realms of my own home during the pandemic lockdown last year.

How did I choose Spiti?

I know you are excited to know!

Ok, here it goes…

I required a break from the everyday fear. I wanted to go to a place where there would be fewer people, which equates to fewer chances of getting COVID.

So, I checked on Google Baba for a recommendation. And this website appeared. On the landing page, it was highlighted that 24x7 support is there.

Guess what!

I called up at 2 am in the morning (ideally morning but was stark night).

Gladly, a gentleman picked up the phone (He sounded half sleepy). I told him to recommend a place where I can breathe freely, away from the connectivity of the daunting news.

Without much thinking, he said “Book Spiti tour package.”

I just said OK!

No research; no planning; nothing did I do. I booked the taxi tour package for the next day.

Post that, I packed the stuff I needed and was eagerly waiting for the driver to come to get me out of the boundaries of my city, Chandigarh.

Sharp 9 am, the driver was here!

I boarded the taxi after sanitizing the back seat to start the hankered relieving journey to a place I did not know about at all.

Yup, a crazy thing I did. But, it was worth it!

On the way, I asked the driver “Bhaiya, Kya hai Spiti meindekhneko?”

He gave a list of the places verbally…

  • Chandratal Lake
  • Kaza
  • Kibber
  • Chicham Bridge
  • Key Monastery
  • Hikkim

I did not give much importance even then. Since I was awake all night, I slept through the whole journey until we reached Manali.

Chandratal Lake – It blew my mind.

After an overnight stay at Manali, we started our journey again to Spiti valley the next morning.

I was refreshed after a cozy sleep today. The way to Batal (from where I headed to Chandratal) was surreal. As we passed Rohtang pass and then Kunzum pass to enter the Spiti valley, the scenery totally changed – from green to brown.

As I reached Batal, I had to decide how to go to Chandratal – on foot or hire a car (which was costly for a single person).

Lucky I was, I met an all-girl biker group who were heading to Chandratal. They offered me a ride to the paradisiacal lake.

I couldn’t find a reason to say no!

After keeping my luggage at the campsite, I headed to the lake along with the biker girl squad.

“What the F**k” were the words that came out of my mouth seeing the grandiose beauty of the lake.

“Damn Good, I picked this trip” were the thoughts convoluting in my head out of sheer pleasure.

That night was one of the best night-outs at the camp, with a bonfire, sumptuous food, no mobile connectivity and the star-studded sky on the top.

But that was just a start. There were more enchanting surprises ahead!

After 3 hours of ride, I reached Kaza

The next morning, the biker girl’s squad dropped me near the taxi. The driver welcomed me with a smile.

Of course, I reciprocated!

I was no more in gloomy land of thoughts. Totally excited for the next place.

After a drive of 3 hours (approx. 52 km), I reached Kaza where I preferred to halt at a homestay.

That day I just loitered around in the town and enjoyed the Tibetan food at small cafes.

Surprise of Peace at Key Monastery

On the 3rd day of my charming tour, the driver told me that we would be going to Key monastery 1st followed by a trip to Kibber and Chicham Bridge

I had no clue about the places. Yet I was thrilled to get surprised!

Again it was out of my imagination. As I entered the monastery, the rhythmic chanting of the mantra “Namyo ho rengekyo” cascaded me into the zone of serenity.

I kept quiet sitting at the corner in the monastery for several minutes sieving the grueling thoughts, bringing in the power of presence.

After the calming experience, the sojourner (me) moved to the next place of the tour.

Kibber village and Chicham were DEJAVU

It was amazing to visit these two places. But there wasan irk in my head.

I saw these places somewhere. But I wasn’t able to recall where!

After excavating the memory chamber of my brain (a lot), I found the answer. It was during incessant scrolling through the reels on Instagram.

Chicham is the highest bridge in Asia”, the driver told me.

Undoubtedly, It is as looking down instigated temporary vertigo in me.

But I enjoyed that even!

After, an enchanting day’s excursion, I came back to Kaza for the night stay.

Other splendors – Hikkim, Komic and Langza

Mornings were getting pleasant and surreal on each day of the tour. With enthusiasm and zest to explore, I started today’s daytrip (after breakfast) to get startled again.

I reached Asia’shighest motorable village 1st. The picturesque view from the Komikvillage could mesmerize anyone. Gladly, I was one of the-anyone.

I even visited Asia’s highest located monastery in the Komikvillage. Thereafter, had lunch in a restaurant.

Definitely, it could be said Asia’s highest altitude cafe!

Moving further…

Langza welcomed me with the grand statue of Lord Buddha nested at the gigantic altitude of the Himalayan ranges.

Fun Fact: you can find sea fossils at Langza, which exemplifies that the great Himalayas came out of the big sea millions of years ago.

Moreover, I was lucky to have a glimpse of the blue sheep and Tibetan wolf running after the sheep.

Rarely do people see them!

Thereafter, I went to post a letter to myself from Asia’s highest post office in Hikkim.

I did a speed post to myself in Chandigarh and wanted to see if it reaches home before I reach it.

The day ended with a return to Kaza. I knew the journey was about to end. Wherefore, I wanted to capture every moment in the memory cove.

Concluded the tour. Meet you again Spiti!

The next day, I drove back to Manali, where I stayed for a night before steering home.

I was refreshed by this taxi tour. It was the most amazing holiday I had ever spent.

Spiti is surely a place to visit not just once, but again and again. I shall be doing so. And I recommend you even to visit this paradise.

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